March Madness Eyeballs Worth More on Web Than TV

Publish date: 2024-03-28

madness.jpegThe numbers are in for CBS's March Madness: 4.8 million viewers online vs. 132 million on TV. TV ratings were slightly down for the tourney this year, enough that we asked whether the availability of free online games were to blame.

Answer: who cares? CBS (CBS) made $4.83 in advertising per online viewer vs. $4.12 for each of its TV viewers, according to the Washington Post, citing data from CBS and ad research firm TNS.


It looks like WaPo's TV figure comes from TNS's estimate of CBS's TV ad revenue: $545 million divided by 132m total viewers. Before the tournament, CBS said it expected $21 milion in online ad revenue from the tournament, which would indicate $4.38 per online viewer. Either WaPo reversed its numbers, or CBS's online revenue actually came in at $23 million.

Either way, the point holds: CBS earned a higher CPM ($44) for online than it did on TV ($42).

See Also:
CBS: No Web Effect On NCAA Ratings
Survey: People Able To Work At, Keep Jobs During March Madness
March Madness: Ratings Down, Online To Blame?
