Dataset Fanouts GitBook

Publish date: 2024-04-24

Dataset Fanout

A Dataset Fanout delivers data to the same feature type, but in multiple datasets. Taking the elevation example again, here the output is a different dataset for each elevation value:

This results in a series of DXF datasets, each of which has one elevation’s worth of contours on one layer.

Setting a Dataset Fanout

A Dataset Fanout is defined in the Navigator window in Workbench, just below the writer’s dataset parameter:

Double-clicking the Fanout Dataset parameter opens a dialog in which to define the folder to write to and the Fanout Expression to use. It defaults to the original file name:

The Fanout Expression can - like the Feature Type fanout - be a simple attribute, like so:

In this case, each feature with a different park name will be written to a different GML output dataset (whereas a feature type fanout would write to different layers in the same dataset).

Additionally, as with a Feature Type fanout, the Text Editor can be used to construct a dataset fanout string, giving (here) a series of GML datasets, each with the park ID and name included:

Two things to notice in that result are:
