How Jerry from Moonshiners suddenly ended up in hospital

Publish date: 2024-03-17

Moonshiners fans are overwhelmed with concern after Jerry’s on-screen co-star Mike said he hopes his friend gets better soon. It comes after the Discovery star was suddenly sent to hospital.

The series follows real-life Moonshiners as they make the distilled liquor, usually buddying up with partners along the way. A practice inspired by the Whiskey Rebellion of the 1790s, cameras follow them as they make the drink.

Jerry has been sharing his career story with Discovery for years, but recently shocked fans when it was revealed he had to go to hospital. His business partner Mike Cockrell said he would everything he could to help.

How Jerry Benson ended up in hospital

The Moonshiner had to go to hospital as a result of high blood pressure. He was hooked up to IVs, machines and pumps while doctors tried to figure out the cause of it.

Jerry was throwing up, sweating, weak in his arms and legs, and could barely use his left arm. He was later transferred over to Asheville, a bigger hospital, after being told he has bleeding on his brain.

His blood pressure was “at a stage that he should be dead at this point”, according to Mike.

Mike also continued:

Something is definitely going wrong with the mind, with the brain. Jerry’s in pretty rough shape right now. I always try to hope for the best, I just hope that he gets better.

Jerry’s girlfriend Keira confirmed the news three months ago, saying she was travelling to see him in Ashville from Indiana. The Moonshiner himself also shared a picture of him in hospital at the time, in September.

Viewers express worry for Moonshiner

When it was revealed that Jerry had to go to hospital, fans watching across the globe were in shock. Many could not figure out why he had to go to have emergency treatment in the first place.

The concerns were heightened when Mike said it took Jerry a while to answer a question.

One fan wrote: “I hope #Jerry gets better soon! I think he is a calming influence on Mike. Love you #Jerry.”

Another said: “Jerry better take a few weeks off. He does most of the heavy lifting. #Moonshiners.”

“Damn Jerry. I love that guy…horrible to hear about him getting hurt”, shared a viewer.

Health updates on Moonshiners’ Jerry

Jerry now appears to be fully recovered, and often goes live on his Facebook page. He is back to his usual self from what we can see, and is back to his everyday hobbies, such as watching races.

Other activities he has been up to include camping, going to music events and festivals. Jerry even went on a camping trip just a month after going to hospital.

He also gave business partner Mike Cockrell a call from hospital on the show, where he was in good spirits.

The Moonshiner is now back home with girlfriend Keira and his family. He also confirmed to those who tuned in that he is “doing pretty good”. However he did say he had gone through a “scary process”.

Jerry is now on blood pressure medicine following the hospital trip.



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