What is Aaron Eckhart's net worth? Abigail Breslin accused actor of 'aggresive behavior' amid ongoin

Publish date: 2024-04-06

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Hollywood is no stranger to drama, and it seems like the entertainment industry has found itself in the midst of another controversy.

Abigail Breslin, the talented star of 'Little Miss Sunshine,' recently made startling allegations against her co-star Aaron Eckhart, known for his roles in movies like 'The Dark Knight.'

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While these allegations remained confidential for some time, they have now come to light amid an ongoing lawsuit.

Abigail Breslin has alleged that Aaron Eckhart acted so aggressively toward her on the set of the upcoming thriller 'Classified' that she was afraid to be alone with him, a new lawsuit reveals.


— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) November 2, 2023


Abigail Breslin accused Aaron Eckhart of aggressive and unprofessional behavior

According to a report by , Breslin accused Eckhart of "aggressive and unprofessional behavior" on the set of their upcoming espionage thriller, 'Classified.' Breslin's claims were so concerning that she reportedly felt unsafe being alone with her co-star. The allegations have rocked the film's production.

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As per , Eckhart is estimated to be worth an impressive $12 million, making him a well-established figure in the industry. These allegations could tarnish not only his professional reputation but also have financial repercussions for the film's production.

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Breach of contract lawsuit filed against Abigail Breslin

The explosive allegations have now been made public as part of a breach of contract lawsuit against Breslin. The lawsuit is filed by the film's production companies, Dream Team Studios and WM Holdings. They argue that Breslin's accusations have had a severe impact on the project, costing an astonishing $80,000.

The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, states, "The entire production almost ground to a halt when Breslin advised the production of Eckhart's aggressive, demeaning, and unprofessional behavior, which she insisted placed her at various times in peril."

It goes on to highlight the extreme measures taken to ensure Breslin's safety and cooperation, "Breslin refused to be alone in several scenes with Eckhart, and costly accommodations had to be made by the production to accommodate Breslin's demands, or else Breslin would not continue to perform her contractual obligations."

Furthermore, the plaintiffs allege that an investigation conducted by an on-set producer found "no evidence in support of Breslin's wild, hysterical, and imaginary allegations against Eckhart." They insist that Breslin's actions have jeopardized the film's financial well-being, distribution agreements, and the ability to claim tax credits in Malta.

In a desperate bid to salvage the project, Breslin is reported to have "demanded the payment of $35,000 as a condition" for signing her final agreement. Without her cooperation, the film cannot be released, and the producers are unable to claim the necessary tax credits, leading to a potential financial crisis for the film.

The consequences of this legal battle have far-reaching implications for the production, including the delivery of the film to distribution partners. The lawsuit reveals that the lack of scenes featuring both Breslin and Eckhart has resulted in delivery issues, and the plaintiffs are now seeking $80,000 in real damages in addition to punitive damages.

Abigail Breslin's response to legal action against her

A representative for Breslin has responded to these allegations, telling Rolling Stone that the actress "is not aware of any action filed against her and has not been served with any legal notice."

The representative also stated that Breslin "categorically denies all contended allegations and unequivocally stands by her statement, which she provided confidentially to SAG."

While the legal battle continues to unfold, the fate of 'Classified' hangs in the balance. This espionage thriller, also featuring Tim Roth, promises an intriguing plot centered around a CIA hitman (Eckhart) who discovers unsettling secrets from his long-lost daughter (Breslin).

However, the turmoil surrounding the production and the legal battle threatens to overshadow the film's potential success.
