Lee Paces New Profile Implies Hes Married to Matthew Foley!

Publish date: 2024-03-30

Lee Pace was interviewed for a new profile in The Cut and the article implies that he secretly got married to longtime boyfriend Matthew Foley!

For those who don’t know, the 42-year-old Pushing Daisies actor has been in a relationship with Matthew since at least 2017 and they have been very private as a couple.

While Lee and Matthew rarely share photos with each other on social media, there are some great pics of them from earlier this year and we also have candids from 2019.

Click inside to find out what was revealed in the new profile…

In his profile with The Cut, Lee did not identify Matthew as his partner, but reporter Tim Stack said he “consistently refers to ‘we’ when talking about life at the farm.”

Stack added, “Then, I notice a gold wedding band on his left hand and ask about it. He playfully feigns surprise. ‘What? No! How did that get there? Gus, do you know anything about that?’”

Gus is Lee‘s dog, who was present during the interview.

While Lee‘s marriage has not been officially confirmed, this new profile seems like the closest we’ll get to that confirmation!

If you didn’t know, Matthew is a fashion executive for Thom Browne, a brand that Lee has frequently worn over the years.
