Eric Bischoff Explains Why It Didnt Work Out With WWE

Publish date: 2024-04-21

Eric Bischoff’s time in WWE didn’t last long. There were plenty of stories that came out after he was released from the company. Now he is able to speak his mind about a few of those rumors.

While speaking to Wrestling Inc, Eric Bischoff addressed reports that he was brought in to facilitate WWE’s move to Fox.

“I don’t know who said that. There were a lot of things written, so much of what you read in the dirtsheets at the time when I came into WWE, and subsequently, after getting into WWE. It’s just like nuclear horses—, so far off base. Nobody articulate that I was brought in to help manage the process with FOX. If that was true, somebody forgot to tell me.”

When asked what happened between himself and WWE, he summed it up to just having a different approach. Things obviously didn’t work out between the two sides, but it’s no fault of theirs.

“One of the things I learned is you not to be really, really passionate about making a commitment that big, and it was a big job. To be honest about it I think that my personality and the way I approach things creatively and the way I approach business didn’t fit their formula and I think that’s going to be one thing that I’ll be a little more careful about moving forward. Is to make sure the opportunity and personalities kind of match a little bit better than they did. That was no fault of theirs, they were very honest and very open about the opportunity when I took it. I thought it was going to be a great opportunity, and it just wasn’t.”

Eric Bischoff moved across the country for his new job with WWE. Now it looks like he won’t be needing to buy any property in Stamford.

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
